Spirit Beast Hunting: Finally, Gondria
I’ve been spazzing about this for the past few hours already, but I’m still giddy about it. My hunter finally tamed Gondria!

I spent most of yesterday afternoon and evening looking for Gondria in Zul’Drak. When I logged in the first time today, I was just about ready to give up on looking for her and go back to doing my dailies… but a few moments later, I spotted her on my mini-map!
I was so excited to tame her that I didn’t notice that there was a Frost Leopard nearby, and it attacked me while I was taming Gondria. I haven’t played my BM spec for a while, so wound up making a lot of stupid mistakes because I didn’t remember my BM keybinds all that well. First, I accidentally placed an Explosive Trap instead of a Freezing Trap, so Gondria was attacking me continuously. Then, I attempted to Feign Death to drop aggro… but wound up Disengaging right into another Frost Leopard. Thankfully I managed to Feign Death when I was at around 20-30% HP.
After dropping aggro, I quickly ate (just in case some other mishap occurred during my second attempt), laid down a Freezing Trap, fired at Gondria to get her to pounce straight onto the trap, and finally tamed her. ♥
Now that I’ve trained Gondria and feel like going after the rest of the Spirit Beasts, I’ve decided to try and fix up my BM spec so that I can use it more often. It seems like a waste to collect the Spirit Beasts without being able to use them!

El Santos is a marketing & advertising professional by day and gamer/bookworm/tarot reader by night. She’s prone to sudden fits of fangirling over her varied interests: video games, fiction, art, folkore, anime, and tarot. She currently lives with her husband and 2 rescue cats.