Take HBN’s Demigod Test and Get a Free Social Kit

Half Blood Network, a promotional website for the upcoming Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters movie, has a nifty demigod test in its homepage.

This is pretty short; it’s composed of three questions (all inspired by Sea of Monsters), and you get three answer options.

At the end of this half-blood quiz, you get to download a free social kit with avatars and background/header images for your Facebook and Twitter accounts.

I’m way past my teens and have not manifested any of the children of Athena’s traits (I’m not a supergenius, I suck at crafts, and I’m not afraid of spiders), Athena’s always been my favorite goddess. I like how most of my online quiz results list her as my demigod parent, and coincidentally, I even graduated from a school named after her.
So who’s YOUR divine parent?

El Santos is a marketing & advertising professional by day and gamer/bookworm/tarot reader by night. She’s prone to sudden fits of fangirling over her varied interests: video games, fiction, art, folkore, anime, and tarot. She currently lives with her husband and 2 rescue cats.