One Short Valentine’s Day in the Emerald City: Wicked Manila
I’ve always loved the music from Wicked, but I never thought I’d ever get to watch it right here in Manila. So you can imagine how excited I was when they announced Wicked Manila in August (my birth month, ermergerd) last year, and how that excitement seriously shot through the roof when my boyfriend and I were on our way to the show on Valentine’s Day.

I didn’t buy anything other than the souvenir program, though. I’m usually happy with just that as a souvenir when I watch a show, and I was just happy to add Wicked to my growing collection. (It’s just too bad that I didn’t think to go stagedooring afterward, like my friend, Kaye, did.)

We were seated in the “Emerald” section, in the L row, which I think is ideal for a show like Wicked because you can see everything without having to crane your neck everywhere.

The show itself was amazing, but I don’t think you can expect anything less from Wicked. Jemma Rix’s powerful voice had me floored, and Suzie Mathers was a perfectly perky Glinda. Aside from how I was a bit iffy about Steve Danielsen’s singing voice (which is mostly my fault for being so fixated on Norbert Leo Butz’ voice in the Original Broadway Cast soundtrack), everything was absolutely wicked.

Also: This photo absolutely does not do the show’s lighting justice. On stage, this scene made me lean back in my seat with my jaw open in awe.

Wicked is really a spectacular musical, and I’m really glad they managed to bring it to the Philippines. The show has been extended to March 9, and I’m sorely tempted to watch it again!

El Santos is a marketing & advertising professional by day and gamer/bookworm/tarot reader by night. She’s prone to sudden fits of fangirling over her varied interests: video games, fiction, art, folkore, anime, and tarot. She currently lives with her husband and 2 rescue cats.