Game Guides, Video Games

Doodle Cat Guide

Doodle Cat start screen

Doodle Cat is a fun little game you can play online (via Kongregate) or download for free from the Apple App Store. The goal is to create and combine different items to make toys and other things for your little kitty. There are 60 items to create in the iPod version (there are only 30 in the Kongregate version), but you can buy more items from the app store.

Here’s a complete list of 60 basic items and their respective combinations!

BrushPurr + Cat
Scratching PostMew + Cat
Closed BoxPurr + Purr
Ball of YarnMew + Purr
Open BoxMew + Closed Box
Big BoxOpen Box + Open Box
Empty Bird CagePurr + Closed Box
BucketEmpty Bird Cage + Open Box
Ball on StickBall of  Yarn + Scratching Post
SheepBall of Yarn + Ball of Yarn
Sheep in BoxSheep + Box
Top HatSheep in Box + Purr
Air PumpTop Hat + Scratching Post
Food DishMew + Mew
Food Dish with Fish + Cat
Food Dish with FishFood Dish + Mew
ScoopFood Dish + Brush
Empty LitterboxFood Dish + Food Dish
Scoop + Dirty Litterbox
Pile of FurBrush + Cat
NewspaperPile of Fur + Mew
Shredded NewspaperNewspaper + Cat
SaplingShredded Newspaper + Purr
Vase with FlowersSapling + Bucket
Broken VaseVase with Flowers + Cat
Filled LitterboxShredded Newspaper + Litterbox
Dirty LitterboxFilled Litterbox + Cat
Caged SheepSheep + Empty Bird Cage
Pile of FleeceSheep + Brush
CloudPile of Fleece + Air Pump
SunCloud + Cloud
Water BottleCloud + Cat
Empty AquariumWater Bottle + Open Box
Aquarium with FishFood Dish with Fish + Empty Aquarium
Pot of SoilBall of Yarn + Food Dish
MirrorEmpty Aquarium + Scratching Post
SlipperPile of Fur + Pile of Fur
RugPile of Fleece + Slipper
Spray BottleWater Bottle + Air Pump
Watering CanSpray Bottle + Bucket
BushSapling + Watering Can
RabbitBush + Mew
Covered Bird CageRug + Empty Bird Cage
Bird Cage with Bird InsideCat + Covered Bird Cage
BirdBird Cage with Bird Inside + Cat
Pile of FeathersBird + Cat
PillowPile of Feathers + Rug
Flying SheepBird + Sheep
AxeBird + Brush
Knitting NeedlesAxe + Empty Bird Cage
Picket FenceAxe + Bush
TV SetKnitting Needles + Big Box
PopcornTV + Bucket
SausageBird + Shredded Newspaper
RefridgeratorSausage + Big Box
Wind-up MouseSlipper + Purr
BroomScoop + Pile of Fur
Cat HousePile of Fleece + Closed Box
Cat House with LedgeCat House + Scratching Post
Cat House with Ledge and BallCat House with Ledge + Ball on Stick

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