This hoe posits: The anime series Hataraku Saibou or Cells at Work is the perfect Peace-Out Show™ during this stressful times of COVID-19 panic.
Kingdom Hearts 3 is finally out, and I just got my Deluxe Edition copy this morning!
Hands down, the strongest and most interesting anime for this season is Ballroom e Youkoso. The premise is solid, the character development promising, and the art style.
I sat myself down on the couch to watch Sin City again, just to see if it was still enjoyable or if I was being deluded by the fancies of my youth.
I was half-expecting Ghost: The Musical not to live up to the movie, but it ended up being a slightly fresh take on an “oldie but goodie” favorite.
I went to a book signing National Bookstore hosted for Tahereh Mafi, Ransom Riggs, and Veronica Rossi last April 26, at the Glorietta Activity Center.
“If we don’t win, we’ll die.If we win, we’ll live!” Really, what the post title says. This is just me being completely shattered over Shingeki no
The nature of the book is a double edged sword, in the sense that it’s attractive to a niche market while alienating those that don’t belong to said market.
Gameplay is similar to the Tenchu series, which awards higher points to the player for killing targets without being spotted or just being more discreet.
Echo Bazaar (EBZ) is an RPG browser game. Just when I thought you couldn’t do a browser game without Flash, someone makes this.