This is a more-or-less complete list of Doodle Creatures combos. I’ll keep updating this post with corrected combos as I continue testing them out.
I have a love-hate relationship with Thom Rainier and I’m sure my Warden characters would DESPISE him for his dishonesty… but DAMN, GIRL.
Square-Enix recently launched an in-app Triple Triad game, and so far it’s been a lot of fun!
I’m not a huge fan of cosplay weddings, but this one got my attention because the bride and groom dressed as one of my favorite underrated OTPs.
Fancy a dramatic reading by none other than Commander Shepard himself/herself? Watch these videos by filmmaker duo Sneaky Zebra!
Gaming Heads created a gorgeous 21-inch limited edition statue of Garrus Vakarian from Mass Effect 3, and it’s now available for pre-order!
Diablo III has been eating up a lot of my free time, especially since my boyfriend bought copies of Reaper of Souls for both of us.
Today, I pay tribute to a character I once hated and grew to love with a vengeance: Siegfried Schtauffen from the Soul series of games.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a short, sweet, and brilliant game. I don’t mean to sound so sentimental about it, but play it and you’ll understand.
It’s about time Dumb Ways to Die got an official toy line! These maimed cuties will be available for $5.99 to $99.00.