So many people have speculated that a support sniper was coming along, and that it was going to be Ana Amari, and it turns out they were right!
Someone in the office recommended Firewatch to me a few months back, so I decided to give it a shot. I have no regrets.
This is a more-or-less complete list of Doodle Creatures combos. I’ll keep updating this post with corrected combos as I continue testing them out.
I decided to reunite Bella and Mortimer Goth again when I reinstalled Sims 2 into my PC a few months back, but things didn’t go quite the way I planned.
MMO Gamer Chick‘s recent posts about the Sims 3 Family Man Challenge reminded me about my own Sims 2 family man, Allan Greyjoy.
Lately I find myself bouncing around between The Sims Social, The Sims Medieval, The Sims 2, and a bit of The Sims 3 (I actually like 2 better than 3).
Gameplay is similar to the Tenchu series, which awards higher points to the player for killing targets without being spotted or just being more discreet.
It’s official: Cao Pi is confirmed to be returning in the seventh installment of the Dynasty Warriors series. I think I’ll be a Koei fangirl a bit longer.
And of course, when I “passed the word” to Jacob, he shot back with some really nasty, racist dialogue.
I thank my guildmates for this catch. They found found Loque’nahak while I was logged off, so I immediately logged in and tamed it.