Oath of the Gatewatch Prerelease at Got Game
Last week, I joined my fiance at another Magic: The Gathering prerelease event at Got Game, this time for the Oath of the Gatewatch set.
This was the second time I ever participated in an MtG event at a game store. I’m only a casual MtG player, so I always get nervous when playing at events. I wasn’t as nervous to the point of shaking like I was during my first ever prerelease, though…so I guess I’m sort of getting used to the pressure.
I didn’t get to take a photo of the deck I ended up using, but it was GW allies with a few big eldrazi bombs. I can’t take all the credit for building it – I was so overwhelmed that my fiance had to help me out. It’s kind of embarrassing really, but I suppose it’s all part of the learning process.
I ended up with 1 win and 3 losses, and that 1 win was only because my opponent was kind enough to give me the win after telling me that I could have finished him off sooner if I had triggered my Joraga Auxiliary‘s Support effect when I attacked him. He even taught me a bit about priority/stack and combat during the match. I honestly felt like a dumbass for drawing our match out for so long (and delaying his chance to eat the free pizza provided by the shop), but I was really glad to have encountered someone who was nice enough to educate the noob.
My pride definitely took a few hits that night, but overall it was still fun, and I think this one card I pulled from my packs made up for everything:
It was fun watching people’s reactions every time I managed to put down this expedition. Comments ranged from silent eye dilation to “Wow, pogi [handsome]!”

El Santos is a marketing & advertising professional by day and gamer/bookworm/tarot reader by night. She’s prone to sudden fits of fangirling over her varied interests: video games, fiction, art, folkore, anime, and tarot. She currently lives with her husband and 2 rescue cats.