Gaming Heads created a gorgeous 21-inch limited edition statue of Garrus Vakarian from Mass Effect 3, and it’s now available for pre-order!
Diablo III has been eating up a lot of my free time, especially since my boyfriend bought copies of Reaper of Souls for both of us.
Today, I pay tribute to a character I once hated and grew to love with a vengeance: Siegfried Schtauffen from the Soul series of games.
Brothers: A Tale of Two Sons is a short, sweet, and brilliant game. I don’t mean to sound so sentimental about it, but play it and you’ll understand.
It’s about time Dumb Ways to Die got an official toy line! These maimed cuties will be available for $5.99 to $99.00.
In 2012, Mobage/Cygames released a game called Flame of Recca: Burning Evolution, which is more faithful to the manga than the anime ever was.
I stumbled across this figure at ChaoerComics while Googling for pics of Sylvanas Windrunner from World of Warcraft. It’s based off fan art by huijianing:
I used to stargaze as a kid—I even had a star map/chart. So when I stumbled upon the 100,000 Stars Chrome Experiment, I had to bite back a squeal.
Doodle Cat is a fun little game you can play online (via Kongregate) or download for free from the Apple App Store. The goal is to create and
I decided to reunite Bella and Mortimer Goth again when I reinstalled Sims 2 into my PC a few months back, but things didn’t go quite the way I planned.