So that wish I made in a previous post came true: Hilde is making a comeback in Soul Calibur V!
Inspired by the question that recently appeared on the SoulCalibur Facebook Wall. My answers are based on my experience playing multiple Soul series games.
TMGS2 takes everything about TMGS1 and makes it better. From writing to artwork to interaction, it’s just more enjoyable as a whole.
The Tokimeki Memorial Girl’s Side series is an off-shoot of the original Tokimeki Memorial series, which is, in fact, a series of games for boys.
Gameplay is similar to the Tenchu series, which awards higher points to the player for killing targets without being spotted or just being more discreet.
It’s official: Cao Pi is confirmed to be returning in the seventh installment of the Dynasty Warriors series. I think I’ll be a Koei fangirl a bit longer.
Forsaken Queen: Sylvanas Windrunner is part of Series 6 of DC Unlimited’s World of Warcraft Action Figures. She’s the best female figure they made so far.
I posted a couple of Garrus fanart that I found around the net. One of them is this beauty of a sketch that turned out amazing once completed.
And of course, when I “passed the word” to Jacob, he shot back with some really nasty, racist dialogue.
So far, Red Dead Redemption has certainly lived up to my expectations – the gameplay is fun, the graphics are wicked, and the script/story is well-written.